Entrepreneurs coaching Services


In the past few years, Ben’s entrepreneurial career began by building diverse businesses on his own, including his professional speaking, coaching, and online business — Reach Your Ultimate Potential, which includes his entrepreneur coaching services.

As Ben began to live the life of a solo-entrepreneur (solopreneur), he realized that the perceived life of an entrepreneur (having your own schedule, doing what you love, and making tons of money) doesn’t necessarily come easy without support and new life skills. In his first few years in business, he had to figure out the new work-life balance and found it hard to just “clock out” at the end of each work day. He had to learn how to handle the constant search for new leads and survive the ups and downs of self-employment along with learning many new sales and marketing strategies to grow his business. 

Ben experienced limiting thoughts like, “Is this really going to work? Does anybody care about my business ideas? Should I just give up and go back to a corporate job?” During this time, he experienced negative emotions such as doubt, fear, worry, and uncertainty. He spent countless hours in networking meetings, social media groups, and worked with mentors to find the answers. At the time, he also realized that he wasn’t the only solopreneur who was feeling this way. Therefore, if you are new to your own entrepreneurial journey, you may be feeling similar limiting thoughts as well. Through his entrepreneur coaching, Ben helps entrepreneurs navigate these challenges and find success.

Entrepreneurs have big dreams, drive, and the passion to bring their ideas to the marketplace. Yet, it takes confidence, consistency, accountability, and positive support to get up every day and keep at it.  

Being a solopreneur especially requires more than just business skills, it requires you to do deep personal work so that you stay motivated and don’t get stuck or stop in the process of growing a business during the challenging times. If you show up with negative or limited thoughts, or a mindset of scarcity instead of abundance — roadblocks will keep getting in your way.  

Watching so many young entrepreneurs fail, or give up too soon, Ben developed a strong desire to support new and solopreneurs gain clarity, direction and a step-by-step process to turn their dreams into reality. He does this through his personalized and group coaching training programs. He became certified as an NLP Practitioner and created life changing programs as he helps his clients master their thoughts even during the most challenging of times and heal their emotions by learning how to move past triggers and get out of your own way on a clear path towards success.  

Ben Eden was a highly successful HR executive in a global company with nearly 2,000 employees. He helped to grow the company over seven years going from an HR Intern to the Leader of their Global HR department, building locations from the ground up all around the world. 

During this time of fast business growth, Ben also graduated top of his class in his Bachelor’s program, and completed his Master’s degree in half the time required. He also became a Senior Certified Professional, and traveled the world opening new locations, training managers, and building teams. 

Ben enjoys having in-depth business and life changing conversations by coaching others who are striving to achieve their goals and reach their full potential. His passion lies in supporting intelligent, and high achieving people like YOU take your business and your life to the next level whether that’s gaining the courage and confidence to leave your corporate job or start your own side hustle entrepreneurial venture.

Contact Us to Learn How to Reach Your Ultimate Potential Today!

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