A Strategic Approach to HR Wellbeing
Developing Emotional Wellness as an HR Leader shouldn’t be last on the list of things to do.
As an HR professional, you have to take care of all the employee needs and all the human emotions. But who takes care of you? Who helps you with your growth questions? Who do you turn to when you need to vent? Who can understand what you are going through?
Over 1,000 HR professionals joined the first ever HR Wellbeing Week in January 2022. We discussed HR for HR, burnout in HR, and even bullying in HR! Truly, HR does so much to take care of everyone else, yet there is so much need inside of HR. Now is the time to give yourself the permission to take care of yourself. Doing so will make a huge impact not only on the company but, especially, on you.
When you put your oxygen mask on first, you can better help those around you. To provide all the value that you have to offer (which is a lot) you need to be able to show up with your full self, unhindered by overwhelming stress, crushing lack of resources, and unending expectations. When you experience burnout, bullying, or just need some extra support, take the courageous step to reach out for that assistance. Amazing as you are, you don’t have to do this alone.
As a former HR executive himself, Ben knows how this feels. He went on his own personal journey for his wellbeing and now spends his time helping others. In this educational, inspirational, and life-changing program you will learn how to understand and acknowledge emotions, (even at work) and why it’s crucial to your well-being.
Learning Objectives:
- Give yourself permission for self care
- Gain tools to manage your emotions before they manage you
- Be not just challenged but fulfilled in the workplace
- Bring optimism back to your life and career
Creating Emotionally Resilient Leaders
Being emotionally resilient doesn’t mean you are emotion free. It doesn’t mean you never feel anything. It means you know how to properly govern your emotions so you are empowered to manage your behavior in a way that increases employee engagement – including your own.
Learning Objectives:
- Give yourself permission for self care
- Gain tools to manage your emotions before they manage you
- Be not just challenged but fulfilled in the workplace
- Bring optimism back to your life and career
Loneliness in Leadership
So you were recently promoted. You now have the responsibility, authority, and title you were hoping for. Now what? You used to be able to turn to your leader for help, but you are now that leader!
Now that you have to deal with the overwhelming amount of employee concerns, the stress of managing a budget, and the constant need to have all the answers, who do you turn to for help?
Leadership certainly can be lonely. You no longer feel like you can have lunch with your former coworkers, now direct reports. You have to keep confidentially, you are expected to know the answers, and you are expected to have it all together. Let’s be real though. Who really has it all together? No one! And that is good news! Although Leadership can be lonely, it doesn’t have to be.
Learning Objectives:
- Experience the power of vulnerability
- Feel the power of connection
- Ignite the power of community
Addiction Recovery in HR
It goes without saying that HR can be a very stressful job. You have to deal with everything from the C-Suite not listening or even going against your recommendations (ie compliance and culture) to all the changing employment laws and listening to employee concerns with the company and management. You have to wear so many hats each day and it feels like another hat is added all the time. You are understaffed, overworked, and underappreciated. You are facing burnout.
With all that emotional stress that piles up, you naturally seek to find an outlet. Without realizing it, your harmless forms of coping after work turn into behaviors that begin to take over your life. You hate that you do it but you don’t know how to change. You suffer in silence and live in isolation and shame.
Good news! There is hope and there is a solution! Having suffered in silence himself, Ben has been through the journey of turning to addictive behaviors and coming out of it a much stronger person. He is here to help you now with this informative and liberating presentation.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand why the brain turns to addictive behaviors
- Learn why even good people struggle
- Learn to understand and acknowledge your emotions effectively
- Learn how to hack the neurological system
- Gain power over your emotions so you can unlock your potential
Addiction Recovery in HR
It goes without saying that HR can be a very stressful job. You have to deal with everything from the C-Suite not listening or even going against your recommendations (ie compliance and culture) to all the changing employment laws and listening to employee concerns with the company and management. You have to wear so many hats each day and it feels like another hat is added all the time. You are understaffed, overworked, and underappreciated. You are facing burnout.
With all that emotional stress that piles up, you naturally seek to find an outlet. Without realizing it, your harmless forms of coping after work turn into behaviors that begin to take over your life. You hate that you do it but you don’t know how to change. You suffer in silence and live in isolation and shame.
Good news! There is hope and there is a solution! Having suffered in silence himself, Ben has been through the journey of turning to addictive behaviors and coming out of it a much stronger person. He is here to help you now with this informative and liberating presentation.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand why the brain turns to addictive behaviors
- Learn why even good people struggle
- Learn to understand and acknowledge your emotions effectively
- Learn how to hack the neurological system
- Gain power over your emotions so you can unlock your potential
How to Reach Your Ultimate Potential and Live Your Dream Life
You have within you the capacity to become great and to do amazing things in the world. In this motivational and impactful session you will discover the power of visualization to achieve your goals and the results from taking consistent and strategic action. Learn how to live the life you’ve always dreamed of by making an emotional connection to your dreams and goals.
Learning Objectives:
- Discover how to have a dream that pulls you into consistent action
- Understand why consistency is the key to your ultimate success
- Turn your ideals and dreams into reality
- Create an emotional connection to your dreams and goals that propels you forward in business and in life.